The Barberellas – the first Barbershop Chorus in Bonn, Germany’s UN city and former capital
Bonn, Barbershop, Barberellas!
30 women, full of energy and with a passion for singing Barbershop, with quirky choreography – that’s the Barberellas. We perform year-round, giving concerts in the Bonn/Cologne area and at the German Barbershop Conventions.
The choir was founded in 1995 by Hedwig Brengmann-Domogalla. Still going strong and evolving constantly, with new members and musical arrangements, the Barberellas celebrated their 20th anniversary on March 15, 2015, with a sparkling show at the Augustinum Theatre in Bonn. 2025 will see the 30th anniversary concert – watch this space!
The chorus is a member of the „Chorverband NRW“ and BinG!-Barbershop in Germany.
Kai Dahlberg has been our director since 2023.
We rehearse every Wednesday evening, with additional all-day and all-weekend workshops several times a year to keep up our reputation as one of the country’s most successful barbershop choruses.
New singers are very welcome. Sing high, sing low… if you are interested in singing four-part harmony, a capella, the chances are the Barberellas could be the choir for you. If you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a mail to
We’d love to meet you soon!